For stays of several days in our beautiful mountain world we have compiled a few links to tourism sites of the surrounding communities and a few recommendations.

" The mountains within reach, the royal castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau right next door. The southern Allgäu region lies like a box seat in front of the Alps. The gently undulating landscape at 800 metres above sea level is largely tree-free. A clear view of the mountain panorama is your constant companion on the extensive network of hiking and cycle paths.
Mighty castle ruins, enjoyable alpine dairies and countless nature experiences are waiting to be discovered. Pure Allgäu is located in the region with the most lakes, with around 50 lakes and small ponds.
Whether country hotel, riding holidays, vacation on the farm, camping, private room or vacation home at the mountain lake. Everywhere you will find warm hospitality and fairytale-like nature ..." www.suedliches-allgaeu.de

" The nature park region Reutte with its 11 villages stands for healthy originality as well as exciting nature and cultural experiences at the foot of the high mountains. The element water plays a major role in the holiday destination in the north of Tyrol. In addition to the second largest lake in Tyrol, the Plansee, or the Lech, the last wild river in the Alps, the nature park region is home to numerous other mountain lakes - all in drinking water quality. These may be used in the summer for a jump into the cool water.
The most famous old Roman road, the Via Claudia Augusta, crosses the region and gives an impression of an eventful past. The Ehrenberger Klause, a former dam and customs station, as well as the Ehrenberg, Schlosskopf and Fort Claudia fortifications, shape the image of the region and bring history to life.
Another special feature of the Reutte nature park region is certainly the fact that numerous well-known and globally active companies have settled there. The region unites what would be opposites: High technology exists here in harmony with man and nature ..." www.reutte.com